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Monday, May 31, 2010

Hey, they are my friends- not yours

Parents sometime have a tendency to guilt their children, like me, into spending a night in with their friends. The way I am easily manipulated into inviting friends over is in this manner: “..but, we don’t know where you are when you go out. We don’t know who you are with or what you are doing. It would make me feel a lot better if I knew you were home, here, in the backyard instead of in some crazy public place. Invite your friends over, you guys can all stay here.” Parents make it seem like they are doing us a favour, when all they want to do is be able to hear your screams, watch through the back door and talk to your friends!

This is wrong, so wrong.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my parents, but I doubt that my friends do too. My friends come over to spend time with me, not my parents. I don’t think they care about how my mother’s day went at work, or how they are so proud of me for going off to university. If I wanted my friends to engage in conversation I would have invited them over for a nice family dinner- but I didn’t.

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