There is nothing worse when a student has the most insane assignment due on a Monday morning and they have totally forgot because they spent the whole ENTIRE weekend partying it up with friends.
Let’s take a stroll down memory lane and I will tell you a situation from my personal experience:
I admit it, I was out the whole entire weekend without the thought of school crossing my mind at any point of the day. I had just gotten home Sunday night and saw my backpack in the corner of my room- and yeah you better believe it had been there since 3:00pm Friday. I thought What the hell, let’s just take a look at my agenda. I opened my agenda to find out that I had a whole entire rough draft of my religion CPT movie notes due the next morning and it was about 10:30pm Sunday night. These notes were due MONDAY at the beginning of Period 2 (9:20am). I freaked out, I panicked and watched that damn movie on my laptop into the wee hours of the night making 10 full pages of hand written notes on everything in the movie. I was pausing and writing down quotes, analysing the scenes and so far as finding the significance of the weird shirt the main guy was wearing. I needed a good mark- It’s religion class- I get a good mark, it’s easy, it will boost up my average for university. I was literally up until about 3:30 am doing these damn notes- I like my sleep too. I’m usually passed out by 11:30 on a school night. As soon as I finished those notes, I passed out. The next morning I woke up after about 3 hours of sleep and went to school. By the time period 2 came I was so stoked to hand in those notes and just get them away from me! Wouldn’t you guess- my teacher extends the damn notes to WEDNESDAY! WEDNESDAY! That’s 2 more nights! WTF?!
I don’t get it, teachers make deadlines and put so much emphasis on it being done that morning then they go and pull a stunt like that. SURE it’s great for the people who didn’t do the assignment but I am not one of those people.
Sometimes, teachers should make up their mind on a deadline before a chick stays up until 3:30am working her ass off to get a good mark.
Aren’t high school teachers supposed to prepare us for the future?
How are we ‘preparing’ for the future if we are babied and given so many chances?
Doing work for nothing= Not impressed.
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