Okay, so we all know that everyone is glued to their cell phones, blackberries, i-phones, smart phones and when you think someone is crazy and talking to themselves, they are actually wearing a blue tooth headset. So, if everyone always has their phone on them, how come they don't reply to text messages?
For example, you are sitting on your couch just watching tv and you hear your phone vibrate. You check the message, and it's someone, usually a guy, saying "What's up?" You reply, usually, "Not too much" or "Just hanging out, how about you?" You're waiting and waiting and waiting, no text back.
If you just sent a text, wouldn't you still have your phone on you? Where did you put it? You JUST sent me a text a minute ago, yet now there is no reply until 2 hours later.
You end up waiting around like an idiot waiting for a text message, until you get so mad and either leave your phone in your room, turn it off or call a friend and rant away.
Why do guys always like to make us wait?! They know we are waiting and they just like to play their little game and string us along waiting in anticipation.
Guys are probably sitting around picturing us waiting for their text and picturing how we jump at every text message that goes to our phone.
This is why, I know have custom ringtones- even for text messages- so I know not to get my hopes for just any text.
Guys & technology= So annoying.
guys are the worst when it comes to this...especially now that theres something called bbm which tells us if they read our msg or not? haha at least try not to make it that obious and maybe you can come up with a decent excuse